Having a BE WISE menu card can help you choose a “what if” scenario for the day. The human mind can struggle to come up with ideas, so seeing a list can help one to decide. Here is a example menu card. Please note that this is only a example, you can make your own one that better suites your hospital. For example, you may want to modify it to fit certain specialites such as cardiac, neuro, obstetrics etc. To download a modifiable document that you can use in your hospital, please click here.

- Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Adult Basic Life support
- Adult Advanced life support: VF/VT
- Adult Advanced life support: Asystole /PEA
- Anaphylaxis
- Atrial fibrillation needing urgent treatment
- Brady arrhythmias (can include how to do emergency pacing)
- Bronchospasm
- Difficult airway (can include difficult airway trolley location & how to do front-of-neck access)
- Embolism (air/clot)
- Fire drill
- Gas supply failure
- Laryngospasm
- Laser airway fire
- Local anaesthetic toxicity
- Major haemorrhage (general, obstetric)
- Malignant hyperthermia (include where is the dantrolene kept)
- Power failure
- Supra ventricular tachycardia (narrow complex tachycardia)
- Tension Pneumothorax
- Total spinal
Please note, this is only a sample BE WISE menu card. You can easily modify it to make it more relavant to your department. To download a modifiable document that you can use in your hospital, please click here.